This study was carried-out to evaluate the changes of the dental and skeletal variables accompanied with the uni-arch extraction treatment of Class II div 1 malocclusions. The sample of this study was consisted of twelve female patients at the beginning of treatment and ended by ten patients due to sample decay. Full fixed edgewise appliances were fitted, and then the upper canines were retracted after two weeks from upper first premolars extraction. The upper incisors were retracted using closing arches with high pull headgears. The lower arches were treated without extraction, just aligned and finished. For each patient pre and post orthodontic casts and lateral cephalometric roentgenograms were taken. The collected data were managed using SPSS statistical program to get Paired test. The outcome revealed decrease in the maxillary arch perimeters (t-value=-17.08), increase the mean changes of upper inter-canine widths(t-value=4,4 ) and significant reduction in both the overjet as well as the overbite as measured on the casts. The maxillary cephalometric changes were significantly decreased, SNA Angle, effective maxillary length and inclination of upper incisors relative to FH plane. These changes were not significant for the lower arch except the IMPA angle. The maxillary/ mandibular relationships were also affected as there were significant reduction in both ANB angle and overjet.
Fouda, M., El Bialy, A., Mahmoud, Y., & El Mehy, G. (2006). Dentofacial changes associated with uniarch extraction treatment of class II malocclusion. Egyptian Orthodontic Journal, 29(June 2006), 92-104. doi: 10.21608/eos.2006.79246
Maher A Fouda; Ahmed A El Bialy; Yasser L Mahmoud; Ghada A El Mehy. "Dentofacial changes associated with uniarch extraction treatment of class II malocclusion", Egyptian Orthodontic Journal, 29, June 2006, 2006, 92-104. doi: 10.21608/eos.2006.79246
Fouda, M., El Bialy, A., Mahmoud, Y., El Mehy, G. (2006). 'Dentofacial changes associated with uniarch extraction treatment of class II malocclusion', Egyptian Orthodontic Journal, 29(June 2006), pp. 92-104. doi: 10.21608/eos.2006.79246
Fouda, M., El Bialy, A., Mahmoud, Y., El Mehy, G. Dentofacial changes associated with uniarch extraction treatment of class II malocclusion. Egyptian Orthodontic Journal, 2006; 29(June 2006): 92-104. doi: 10.21608/eos.2006.79246